2017 PFFWV Fall Training Summit
The PFFWV is proud to present our 1st biennial Fall Training Summit. This event will be held in Charleston, WV on September 25th – 27th at the Embassy Suites. Charleston Professional Firefighters Local 317 will be the host for this inaugural event. This unique opportunity offers training in both job related and union skills. The PFFWV is working in conjunction with the West Virginia Professional Chiefs Association, as well as the International Association of Fire Fighters to provide an excellent source of training for our members. This is an opportunity that we encourage all locals to take advantage of regardless of size.
It is obvious that there will need to be limits on class sizes. Each local will be guaranteed spots based on the same formula as delegate participation at convention (please see PFFWV Const. & By-laws). In an effort of fairness to each local, please distribute equally among the classes. Remember, as each person learns, he/she has the capacity to bring this new knowledge back and share throughout the department and local.
Please follow these steps to register:
• Click on the link below for the event agenda/hotel information
• Click on the link below for course descriptions and instructors
• Next click on the IAFF Partnership Education Program (PEP) link to register for educational tracks. Students must be registered in one PEP track to be able to register for hands-on classes.
• After deciding which course(s) to take please click on the Training Summit Registration link to register for hands-on classes.
• Early registration fee (now till August 31st) - $75.00 / PEP track & hands-on class
• Registration fee (after August 31st) - $100.00 / PEP track & hands-on class
• Registration fee for PEP track only - $30.00
Event Agenda/Hotel Registration
Course desription and Instructors
Training Summit Registration
IAFF Partnership Education Program (PEP) link: